Patience and Persistence


Each year a pair of red-breasted robins nest in the wisteria-draped arbor adjacent our home. There, under a canopy of leaves and lavender blossoms, they raise one or more broods of chicks.

Spring is an exciting time. Once mama robin begins sitting on the nest, I find myself intrigued and wanting to peek into the nest to see if the babes have hatched. After they hatch I want to see how much they've grown, And, finally, if they're ready to fledge.

But, being a nature-lover, I know that the best thing I truly can do for their well-being is to leave them alone. It's a lesson in patience and persistence. Patience to let nature take it's course without my intervention and persistent faith that mama and daddy robin have got this. 

In this fast-paced world of instant gratification, proverbial robins and nests are everywhere. Imagine how much simpler life would be if we could accept the fact that some things take time and recommit to exercising grace every day.

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Thanks for sharing the story behind this lovely card.


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